Access HttpContext in a Blazor Razor Component

Oct 18, 2023 /
# Blazor

Before .NET 8, accessing the HttpContext in a Razor Component wasn’t possible. But that all changes in .NET 8.

Accessing HttpContext in .NET 8 Razor Components

HttpContext can now be accessed via a [CascadingParameter] in Razor Components.

@code {
    public HttpContext? HttpContext { get; set; }

@if (HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) 
    <h2>Logged in user: @HttpContext.User.Identity.Name</h2>

This is handy if you need to access:

The catch:

The component must be statically rendered (SSR mode).

This will not work if your components render mode is WASM or Server (Websockets).

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